Children’s Braces

at Dentalcare Langley Orthodontics

Dentalcare Langley Orthodontics accept children's orthodontic referrals

Once children start getting their adult teeth, we monitor how the teeth are coming through and whether there are any issues with crowding, crookedness or with their bite.

Orthodontic treatment for children can begin at any age but tends to be around 12 years old, once the adult teeth are through. At Dentalcare Langley Orthodontics, we will only see children for an orthodontic assessment on the NHS if they have been sent to us on a referral basis from their dentist, however we are very happy to accept them as a private referral if they do not qualify under the NHS.

Book an appointment for your child at Dentalcare Langley Orthodontics

NHS braces for children in Langley

NHS orthodontic treatment is available for children under 18 years of age subject to certain conditions. Children must be referred to us by their dentist in order to be assessed for NHS treatment.

Indicators of treatment need and outcome have been developed and validated by the whole orthodontic profession to assess the efficacy and appropriateness of care. The most widely used is the Index of Orthodontic Treatment Need (IOTN). In general, only moderate to severe orthodontic conditions will be funded by the NHS. Following an initial consultation we will advise you whether your will qualify for treatment under the NHS.

You can read more about the available appliances and when they are used on the website for the British Orthodontic Society (BOS). Click here for the BOS website.

If your child doesn’t qualify for NHS treatment or you prefer aesthetic braces, you can choose to pay for your child to have braces privately.

How children’s orthodontic treatment can help 

Orthodontic treatment for children mostly takes the form of dental braces and these can be used to:

  • Straighten crooked teeth
  • Create space for overcrowded teeth
  • Correct bite issues so that your child bites together evenly on their front and back teeth
  • Corrects protruding teeth
  • Close gaps in the teeth

Orthodontics can also be used to help with problems to the jaw and in some cases cleft lip and cleft lip palate.